目的 :评估 14年全民食盐加碘防治碘缺乏病的效果和目标人群的碘营养水平。方法 :按不同方位在全县选 5个监测点 ,随机抽取 8~ 10岁儿童检查甲状腺肿和尿碘 ,并检测其家庭盐碘含量 ,抽取 5年级小学生和 2 0~ 5 0岁家庭主妇作健康教育现况调查。结果 :儿童甲肿率触诊法为 7.0 %,B超法为 8.0 %,尿碘中位数为 390 .5μg/ l,家庭盐碘含量为 43.85± 17.71m g/ kg,健康问卷小学生知识及格率为 99.3%,家庭主妇为 96 .7%。结论 :防治措施效果显著 ,已实现消除碘缺乏病阶段目标 ,今后应注意纠正盐碘浓度过高问题 ,并加强健康教育。
Objective:Evaluating the effect of IDD control programme through salt iodization in the whole households for fourteen years and iodine level of children.Methods:Selecting five surveys according to the various directions and randomly selecting the children among 8~10 years old.Checking the goiter,urine indine and iodine salt,investigation of health awareness was made in the grade 5 students and housewives of 20~50 years old.Results:Goiber rate was 8.0%/7.0% among children by respective ultrasonography/palpation method.The UI was 390.5μg/l(M),customer iodion salt was 43.85±17.71mg/kg.The passing rates of students and housewives on health question were 99.3% and 96.7%,respectively.Conclusion:The state of IDD has been markedly reduced and achieved the goal of IDD elimination.From now on,it was that we should pay attention to the problem of discreasing iodine consistence of salt and emphasize on health education.
Modern Preventive Medicine