
改进的随机提前检测算法 被引量:3

A Modified Random Early Detection Algorithm
摘要 研究了一般网络情况下有效配置 RED路由器参数的问题 .将一个瓶颈结点为 RED路由器的网络系统抽象为一个闭环负反馈控制系统模型 ,指出由一组缺省静态参数配置的 RED路由器不能理想地适应网络负载在大范围变化的情况 .提出了一种根据网络属性特征自配置参数的改进 RED算法 .模拟结果表明 ,改进的 RED算法比原 RED算法能更好地适应各种网络容量及网络负载情况 。 This paper investigated how to configure an RED gateway efficiently under different network scenarios. It first shows that the RED gateway configured with a set of static default parameters does not work well at relatively wide variety of traffic load. It then proposes a modified random early detection algorithm whose parameters are configured based on network properties. The experimental results show that the modified random early detection algorithm performs better than the original random early detection algorithm and can adopt a much wider range of traffic and different network capacity.
出处 《上海交通大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第11期1688-1691,共4页 Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University
关键词 因特网 拥塞控制 缓冲管理 随机提前检测 RED路由器 RED算法 参数配置 Internet congestion control buffer management random early detection
  • 相关文献


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