为探讨微波在内窥镜上颌窦手术中的应用价值 ,在内窥镜鼻窦手术 (ESS)中 ,应用微波热凝技术清除上颌窦腔各壁增生肥厚粘膜、囊肿、息肉等不可逆炎性粘膜病变和良性肿瘤 ,随访观察 16 3例 2 0 2侧。发现采用微波热凝术经扩大自然开口能顺利地清除上颌窦腔内、底壁及后外侧壁等部位的病变 ,避免了病变组织的残留和经唇龈沟径路手术的创伤 ,提高了 ESS的疗效。结果表明 :微波热凝术是在内窥镜下经扩大后的上颌窦自然开口彻底、有效地清理窦腔各壁病变。
In order to explore the value of microwave in endoscopic maxillary sinus surgery, microwave was used to eliminate benign tumors and irreversible mucous lesion such as hypertrophic mucous, cysts and polyps during the operation of 163 patients (202 sides). It was found using microwave could eliminate the lesion located at the medial, basial and posterolateral walls of maxillary sinus through enlarged ostium completely and avoid the trauma caused by the operation via the labiogingival groove approach. It was indicated that under a nasal endoscope microwave technique might be a valuable method to get rid of the lesion of maxillary sinus and to avoid the recurrence of the disease effectively.
Acta Universitatis Medicinae Tongji