目的 探讨超声诊断对闭合性腹部外伤的临床诊断价值。方法 10 9例闭合性腹部损伤患者在受伤后0 5~ 3小时内经超声检查 ,经手术治疗 10 5例 ,保守治疗 4例。结果 经临床证实总符合率为 95 41% (10 4/ 10 9)。实质性脏器损伤符合率为 97 14% (10 2 / 10 5 ) ,空腔脏器损伤符合率为 5 0 % (2 / 4)。结论 闭合性腹部损伤用超声检查 ,定位准确方便 ,无损伤 ,同时能测定腹腔积液。超声对实质性脏器破裂不仅诊断符合率高 ,而且能探测受伤脏器部位。
Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic value in blunt abdominal injury. Methods: Ultra sounography was used in 109 cases with blunt abdominal injury within 0 5~3 hours,surgery operations were performed in 105 cases and the others were conservative treatment. Results: The total accuracy rate of utrasounography was 95 41 per cent(104/109). The accuracy rates were respectively 97.14 per cent(102/105) and 50 per cent (2/4) in the consolidative organs and the empty organs. Conclusion: The ultrasound method is accurate, convenient and harmless in the diagnosis of blunt abdominal injury and it is good in surveying the liguid in the abdomine at same time. Not only the ultrasounography has a high accuracy rate. but it determines the position and size of the wound on the injured organ.
Journal of Taishan Medical College