目的 通过对儿童支气管哮喘发病率的调查 ,为防治提供依据。方法 对上海市宝山区 0~ 1 4岁儿童 1 5 0 0例进行哮喘发病率的问卷调查。结果 儿童哮喘发病率为 4.0 6 % ,同时对发病动态、治疗、转归、诱因、遗传、过敏体质等分别描述。结论 本组儿童哮喘发病率偏高于国内外的其他报告 ,可能与本组调查人数略少有关 ,但本地区环境与大气污染不能忽视 ,哮喘发病的其他因素也应重视。
Objective The incidence of infantile bronchial asthma was investigated to provide basis for its prevention and cure.Methods The questionnaires of incidence of infantile bronchial asthma were given to 1 500 children aged from 0 to 14 years old.Results Incidence of infantile bronchial asthma was 4.06%,and the trends of disease,treatment,outcome,causative factor,genetics and allergic constitution were described respectively.Conclusion The higher incidence of infantile bronchial asthma in this investigation might be due to less numbers of questionnaires,but the external environment,air pollution and other related factors should be paid much attention to.
Hebei Medical Journal