德国塞拉尼斯公司成立于 1912年 ,1987年与德国Hoechst公司合并 ,成为世界上最大的化学公司之一 ,雇员达 16 70 0余人 ,其核心业务为乙酸及醋酸乙烯 ,是世界上最大的乙酸生产商 ,在我国也有与其合资的企业。
Founded in 1912,the Celanese,a German company,merged with Hoechst in 1987 and has become one of global largest chemical companies with employees of more than 16,700 This company is the largest producer of acetic acid and its core business has been the acetic acid and vinyl acetate Celanese has also established joint ventures in China
Techno-Economics in Petrochemicals