本文介绍的半干法烟气脱硫技术在发达国家广泛采用。芬兰赫尔辛基 Flakt公司Salmissari电站的烟气脱硫厂从1987年开始商业运行。这个厂就是根据Flakt公司Drypac半干法烟气脱硫技术建造的。脱硫后的最终产物是一种固态干状物,便于进一步处置和利用,并且没有废水排放,投资较低。
The semi-dry method FGD has been applied widely in developed countries. Salmis- sari power station, Helsinki, was commissioned in 1987 and has been in commercial use ever since. The plant operates according to Flakt's Drypac semi-dry method. The end product is ob- tained in a dry state, which makes it easy to handle for further use.
World Environment