目前GB/T16488—1996以红外分光光度法为测定石油类的第一方法。该法用四氯化碳作萃取剂 ,四氯化碳用量大。四氯化碳是有毒、挥发性较强的有机溶剂。在监测该项目时 ,对周围环境往往造成较大的影响 ,对监测人员的身体健康影响很大。本文以最大限度地减少四氯化碳的用量和操作步骤出发 ,提出一套操作性强的样品预处理方法。又因为所用器皿的清洁度对地面水监测结果的影响较大 。
Now in china GB/T16488-1996 regards infrared spectrometry as the first method to determine oil content.CCL4 is the extractant in the assay.It is poisonous and volatile.In process of assay it mabes bad affect to enviroment.The quantity of CCL4 is decreased to the lowest limit in the paper by improving pretreatment,and a simpler way to wash apparatus is also provided to reach the request of assay.
Heilongjiang Environmental Journal