NarrowbandCDMA is a gamble forChina Unicom. It is notuntil the best oppor-tunity is missing thatCDMA is on track for start. Though industryanalysts degrade their confidence in China Unicom's CDMAproject, Unicom, the second largest telecom carrier in China, isnow pushing its wide-scale market promotion, contacting withmobile phone distributors and negotiating with manufacturers. Itis unusual for a telecom carrier to intervene with other parts ofCDMA chain. Therefore, it indicates that Unicom will act as acatalyst to quicken the process. Because of the fluctuations in theconcerned policies and regulations, the advent of CDMA has beenmuch delayed. China Mobile, Unicom's competitor, has alreadystarted GPRS, which means Unicom has to accelerate thedeployment of CDMA network and the debut of CDMA mobilephones on the market. Finicky investors are getting more and moreimpatient. They will give Unicom up if they cannot see the expectedresults come up in 6 months.