利用现有工程 ,对吉林镍业公司富家矿各种不同地质条件下赋存的特富矿 ,研究出了不同的贫富分采方案 ,并经过矿山生产实践的检验 ,证明达到了降低矿石贫化率、损失率和提高矿石质量的目的 ,基本上解决了该矿贫富分采的技术难题。
According to various geologic conditions of buried orebody with high grade in Fujia Mine, Jilin Nickel Industry Company, and using the existing project, the author has put forward a series of different selective mining method. By utilizing these method, dilution rate and loss rate has decreased, and quality of ore has improved, therefore the technological problem has been settled basically.
Nonferrous Mines