目的 :研究一种鼻咽癌早期发现诊断的可靠方法。方法 :对 76例鼻咽癌患者和 5 2例鼻咽颈部良性病变及 10 2例正常人进行血清EBVCA IgA和碱性蛋白、酸溶性蛋白、唾液酸、血管内皮生长因子定性和定量测定。结果 :鼻咽癌患者比鼻咽颈部良性病变、正常人的 5种血清肿瘤标志物的定性和定量检测差异有显著性 ,每一标志物对鼻咽癌检测的敏感性和特异性都不相同。结论 :5种血清肿瘤标志物的定性和定量检测可作为鼻咽癌的早期发现诊断的简便可靠的检测指标 ,联合检测可提高对鼻咽癌检测的敏感性和特异性。
Objective The testing index of finding and diagnosing nasopharyngeal carcinoma was reserched.Methods The quantitative and quantity tests of EBVCA IgA,Alkalineprotein,Acid solubleprotein,TSA,VEGF were made in 76 patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma,52 patients with benign pathological changes and 102 healthy persons.Results Five tumor marker in nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients were apparently different from those of patients with benign pathological changes and healthy persons.Conclusions Five tumor marker can be a simple reliable testing index of finding and diagnosing early nasopharyngeal carcinoma.Uniting examination of five tumor marker can raise special and sensitve property of finding and diagnosing nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
China Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment
湖南省教委科研基金资助 ( 98B113)