目的 :评价应用玻璃体视网膜联合手术 (vitreo -retinalsurgery ,V -R术 )治疗复杂性视网膜脱离的疗效。方法 :应用V -R术治疗视网膜脱离 (网脱 ) 5 4眼 ,其中孔源性网脱伴PVR(C3 级以上 ) 18眼 ,外伤玻璃体积血并牵拉网脱 14眼 ,复发性网脱 9眼 ,合并晶体混浊 6眼 ,血管性并牵拉网脱 3眼 ,后极裂孔 3眼 ,先天性脉络膜缺损并网脱 1眼。结果 :出院时视网膜解剖复位 (完全复位及残留少量视网膜下液 ) 4 4眼 ,术后视力提高 39眼 ,不变 9眼 ,下降 6眼。结论 :通过玻璃体手术 ,切除混浊屈光间质后 ,可根据情况联合进行视网膜复位术 ,为视网膜复位创造条件 ,促进术后视力提高。
Objective:To evaluate the efficacy of vitro-retinal surgery for complicated retinal detachmet.Methed:54 eyes with complicated retinal detachment were treated with vitro-retinal surgery.Among them,18 eyes appeared with retinal hole and PVR (above C 3 degree),14 eyes with traumatic vitreous blood and tractional retinal detachment,9 eyes with recurrent retinal detachment,6 eyes with cataract,3 eyes with posterior hole,1 eye with congenital choriodal coloboma.Result:At the discharge time,44 eyes were anatomically repositioned (completely repositioned or left little subretinal fluid).After operation,the vision of 39 eyes was upgraded,of 9 eyes unchanged,of 6 eyes dropped.Conclusion:Vitro-retinal surgery can make retinal reposition and promote the vistion elevated.
Retinal detachment
Treatment outcome