目的 :探讨隧道自闭式小切口不缝线非超声乳化人工晶体植入术的临床疗效。方法 :对 30例老年性白内障 34眼行巩膜隧道反眉形自闭式 6mm小切口手术 ,并与传统的 10~ 13mm大切口病例术后视力及角膜散光情况进行对比。结果 :小切口组 34眼术后 5d及 2个月裸眼视力≥ 0 .5者分别为 75 %与 92 % ,大切口组 12眼分别为 5 5 %与 75 %。差异有高度显著性 (P <0 .0 1) ,角膜散光度小切口组术后 5d及 2个月为 1.73± 0 .32D ,与常规大切口组 2 .92± 0 .97D相比差异有高度显著性 (P <0 .0 1) ,结论 :采用巩膜隧道自闭式小切口不缝线非超声乳化人工晶体植入术适应证广 ,不受核硬限制 ,易掌握 ,手术操作简便 ,费用低廉 ,不需昂贵医疗设备 ,对组织损伤轻 ,切口愈合好 ,视力恢复快 ,角膜散光小 ,且稳定 ,并发症少。
Objective:To investigate the small incision no-seaming intraocular lens implantation by non-phacoemulsification with the scleral tunnel closing by itself and to understand the changes of corneal dioptre and to observe the clinical effectiveness.Methods:Thirty patients (34 eyes) with cataract were given self-closing sclera tunnel of 6mm small incision operation and their states of corneal astigmatism were compared with those of who were given traditional 10~30mm big incision operation.Results:After five days and two months,the rates of the naked eyesight better than 0.5 were 75% and 92% respectively in the small incision group (34 eyes),were 55% and 75% in the big incision group (12 eyes).The difference was significant (P<0.01) . After five days and two months observation,the corneal astigmatism was 1.73±0.32D in the small incision group,2.92±0.97D in the big incision group.The difference was also significant (P<0.01). Conclusion:This method is adopted widly in many symptoms and is not limited by hard nucleus.It is easy to learn and costs low.It is also characterized by little injury to tissue,quick recovery of eyesight,a trifling and stable corneal astigmatism,and few complications.