任脉病证是因各种原因导致任脉机能失调 ,以任脉所过部位不适 (症状 )和生殖机能障碍为主要特征 ;辨治当分清寒热虚实 ,常见证候有热伏任脉、寒凝任脉、任脉亏虚、痰湿注任、任脉不固、湿热注任、任脉瘀阻等 ;实证当祛邪救阴安任 ,虚证当滋阴补精固任。
The Ren Meridian disease,caused by various factors,is a dysfunction charecterized by discomfort in the parts where the Ren Meridian passes through and genetopathy.when treatuin,we should differentiate clearly the syndromes,cold or heat,deficiency or excess.Syndromes of the Ren Meridian disease often include deep-luing heat,cold congealment.weakness,phlegm-damp obstruction,instability,influx of damp heat,stasis and obstruction etc.if it's deficiency syndrome we are supposed to nourish yin,supplement semen and reinforce the Ren Meridian;but if excess syndrome occurs,we should expel pathogenic evils,save yin and tranquilize the Ren Meridian.
Hunan Guiding Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology