〔目的〕研究肾综合征出血热 (HFRS)病毒Z3 7疫苗株在绿猴肾传代细胞 (vero ,vero -E6)上的病变和传代适应增殖情况 ,为应用vero细胞研制出血热疫苗提供科学依据。〔方法〕将肾综合征出血热疫苗株Z3 7适应在绿猴肾传代细胞 (vero ,vero-E6)上 ,对细胞进行细胞病变 (CPE)的动态观察 ,并于不同的时间取样 ,测定病毒滴度 ,比较静置培养、转瓶培养滴度的差异情况。〔结果〕Z3 7株不使vero -E6细胞产生病变 ,用HEPES诱导 ,3d可见明显病变现象。Z3 7株不使vero细胞产生病变 ,用HEPES诱导病变现象未获成功 ,Z3 7株在vero细胞中可高滴度繁殖 ,滴度达到 10 7/ml,转瓶培养病毒滴度略高于静置培养。
〔bjective〕 To study CPE and adaption of Vaccine strain Z 37 of viruses of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) in green monkey Ridney cell (vero and vero-E6 cells) and to indicate that the vero cell line can be used for research of HFRS vaccine 〔Methods〕 Vaccine Strain Z 37 was adapted in green monkey Ridney cell (vero and vero-E 6 cells). CPE was observed dynamically. The samples were collected and the virus titres were detected at different time. The titre differences between samples collected from rolling bottles and flask were comparied 〔Results〕 Strain Z 37 could not induce CPE in Vero-E 6 Cells cultured in MEM and induce CPE in MEM Containing HEPES for three days, Z 37 Strain could not induce CPE in voro cells cultured in MEM with and without HEPES. High virus titre were observed in vero cells adapted by Z 37 Strain and the virus reached a titer of 10 7/ml. The Virus titre in rolling bottles was slightly higher than that in flask.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology
Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) virus
vaccine strain Z 37
vero cell