利用改进的GF升温过程成功地实现了一次分析中两次进样 ,有效提高了被测样品的绝对量 ,得到了较为满意的吸光值 ;并且利用该方法测定了水样中较低含量的As,Se。试验发现 ,在 0~ 10 μg/L之间 ,As有较好的线性关系 ,相关系数为 0 9984 ;Se也有较好线性关系 ,相关系数达到了 0 9974。应用此方法测试了自来水中As的含量约为 5 μg/L ,回收率达到 118% ;Se为 8μg/L ,回收率达到 10 3%。
Detailed study is conducted in regard to the determination of trace As, Se in water by means of AA Graphite Furnace. An improved temperature setting procedure allows two time sample injections during the experiment. This process can increase the detected element's responsive intensity and makes possibility to test 10μg/L below As, Se. Within a range of 0,2,4,6,10μg/L, both elements appear to have a good linearity:R=0 9984 for As; R=0 9974 for Se. According to this method, As and Se in water are measured: 5 3μg/L for As; 8 2μg/L for Se, and also recovery experiments for both elements are satisfactory, 118% for As; 103% for Se..
Modern Scientific Instruments