目的 :探讨脊柱结核的CT表现。方法 :回顾分析 34例脊柱结核的CT资料。结果 :脊柱结核的CT征像为 :①骨质破坏 :有局限性溶骨性骨质破坏 ,大范围溶骨性骨质破坏 ,碎骨片型骨质破坏 ,骨膜下型骨质破坏四种形式 ,其中以碎骨片型骨质破坏最具特征性。②死骨形成。③局限性骨硬化。④椎旁脓肿 ,其内常有钙化灶。⑤椎间盘破坏 ,椎间隙变窄。⑥椎管狭窄、变形 ,硬膜囊或脊髓受压。结论
Objective:To evaluate the CT presentation of the spinal tubercolosis. Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted based on the CT presentations of 34 patients with spinal tuberculosis . Results: The CT features of the spinal tuberculosis showed that:(1)There were four types of bone destruction including large scale,limited,clastic and sub periosteum osteolytic bone destructions. Among them,The clastic bone destruction was the most characteristic one,(2)sequestrum formation,(3)limited bone ossification. (4)para vertebral abscess with calcification.(5)intervertebral disk destruction and disk space narrowing. (6)spinal canal stricture and distortion. Conclustion: CT is valuable in the diagnosis of the spinal tuberculosis.
Academic Journal of Guangzhou Medical College