为了解和掌握淮北市 33个乡镇卫生防疫机构现状 ,对全市乡镇的卫生防疫队伍建设情况进行调查 ,结果 :33个乡镇中有 2 4个乡镇独立防保所 (人、财、物独立 ) ,有 9个乡镇挂靠乡镇医院 ,并由医院主要领导主持该项工作。 33个防保机构中共有 2 6 6人 ,其中业务人员 2 38人 ,占总人数的 90 % ;大专学历 7.5 % ,中专学历 75 % ,初中以下文化程度 30 .3% ,无本科学历 ;中级职称 4.5 % ,初级职称 87.5 % ,无职称 11.5 % ,高级职称无一人 ;每年参加一次以上业务培训率 36 % ;在独立的防保机构中有 4个防保所建立化验室 ,冷链设备能够正常运转 ,表明全市乡镇防保组织基本上是健全的 ,尤其是濉溪走在全省前列。同时也发现一些问题和不足 ,影响和阻碍当前乡镇卫生防病工作的发展。面对今后乡镇卫生防疫机构如何生存与发展针对性地提出几点意见。
In order to understand the situation of anti-epidemic institutes at town level in Huaibei city, 33 medical institutes were investigated. The results indicated that 24 medical institutes were totally dependent, 9 institutes worked with hospital. There were 266 workers in 33 institutes, of them, 238 were medical workers, account for 90%. Education background: 7.5% persons had higher education, 75% persons had special technique training record, 30.3% persons were under middle school degree, no undergraduate was in anti-epidemic institutes at the town level. 4.5% workers had middle technique titles, 87.5% persons had junior technique titles, 11.5% persons had no technique titles, no senior technique title worker was in the institutes. 36% medical workers attended training every year. The results showed that anti-epidemic institutes at town level were perfect. But there were some problems that hindered the development of anti-epidemic cause at town level. This article provided several opinions about how to improve the institutes.
Anhui Journal of Preventive Medicine