The central effects of dopamine and acetylcholine on the interdigestive myoelectric complex (IDMEC) of the small intestine was investigated in 14 concious, fasted dogs. Intracerebroventricular (ICV) administration of dopamine (10μg/kg) significantly increased spike bursts of the intestine and generated vomiting immediatelyurations of IDMEC cycle and phase H were significantly prolonged. But the effects of spike bursts and vomiting were abolished after vagotomy. When acetylcholine was centrally administrated(12μgKg) , durations of IDMEC, phase II and phase I were all significantly shortened. It is concluded that in the CNS of the dog, there exisis a central dopaminergic mechanism and an acetylcholinergic mechanism, acting in coordination to modify the frequency of IDMEC and the durations of phases II and I, and belonging to the same physiological control mechanism of intestinal motility.
Ningxia Medical Journal