综合机载微光夜视镜是一种比较复杂的、典型的机载光电系统。介绍了该项研究采用的总体设计思想和设计方法 ,阐述了宽波段多传感器综合光电系统研究的一般思想和主导策略。在光学系统优化设计的过程中 ,应用阻尼最小二乘法和适应法解决了大相对孔径、低畸变和MTF匹配等问题。在此基础上 ,给出了物镜系统、主观察系统、CRT图像叠加系统和 CCD图像显示系统的优化计算和像质分析结果 。
Integrated airborne night vision goggle is a typical and very complex airborne optical system. This paper discusses the fundamental idea and main strategy of wide wave range multi sensor integrated optical system. In optimized design, damped least squares method and adaptive procedure are used to get higher relative aperture, lower distortion and appropriate MTF, and so on. Calculation results and aberration evaluation on objective system, equivalent eyepiece system, CRT imaging system and CCD display system are reported. Key problems are discussed and summarized.
Electronics Optics & Control