本文综述了近几年来国内外关于碳纤维增强水泥混凝土复合材料(简称CFRC)性能研究和实 际应用方面的主要结果。与未增强混凝土相比,CFRC材料具有优良的抗拉、抗折、抗冲击性能,而且容 重小,耐腐蚀。最近的研究还发现,CFRC材料具有良好的导电性,而且,其体积电阻率随压力的变化而 变化。这种特性使CFRC材料可望开发成智能结构材料。
This article has summarized the principal results of CFRC' s Properties study and actual applications. In comparison with the of un-reinforced sample, CFRC has superior flexural strength, tensile strength and impact strength, and yet ow specific gravithy, corrosion resisting. Recent studies about CFRC show that it has superior electric sonductance, and yet volume electrical resistivity of CFRC changes with compressive stresses. So it can be used as an intrinsically smart stricture material.
Fiber Composites