从我国石油和石化企业经营战略的重大转变、参加WTO之后的机遇与挑战、西部大开发战略的开始实施以及国际国内的买方市场的形成和海陆油气开发难度提高等 5个方面 ,论述了在第十个五年计划纲要提出后的新形势下 ,石油工业经济发展的新特点。针对这些特点 ,进一步提出了积极开发利用国外资源、资金和市场 ,面向WTO抓住机遇、迎接挑战 ,树立信誉千方百计提高产品质量 ,严格要求博采众长全面改进质量管理 ,充分依靠科学技术攻克生产难关 ,大力开发人才智力资源等对策。
The characteristics of economic development of petroleum industry in China is expounded from 5 aspects as follows, (1) management strategy of petroleum and petrochemical enterprises facing great change; (2) WTO bringing opportunity and challenge; (3) the strategy of West China Development being taken effect; (4) buyers' market in the mainland and overseas being forming; (5) onshore and offshore oil and gas development being more difficult. Thereby relevant countermeasures are put forward, including using actively foreign resources and funds and markets, improving the quality of products, reforming production management system and making full use of science and technology to tackle key technical problems.
China Petroleum Machinery