
注硼中子寿命测井技术在砂岩油田开发中的应用 被引量:3

Application of Boron-injected Neutron Lifetime Logging Technology in Development of Sandstone Reservoir.
摘要 华北油田具有油藏类型多、油水关系复杂、储层非均质性严重等特点。在对比诸多剩余油分布监测技术及其应用效果的基础上 ,针对油藏特点和生产实际 ,引进了注硼中子寿命测井技术。通过华北油田采油三厂 6个中高含水砂岩油田实际测试应用 ,所获得的清晰、完整的油井剖面资料可直观地反映测试井点剖面油水分布 ,结合动静态资料可分析油田剩余油分布 ,为油田调整挖潜和进一步提高开发效果提供了可靠依据。文中以 According to the characteristics of diverse heterogeneous reservoirs with complex oil water relationship and practical production in Huabei Oilfied, boron injected neutron lifetime logging technology is used in 9 wells in 6 sandstone oilfields with middle/high water saturation in the third production factory of Huabei Oilfield. The distinct and complete oil well profile curves obtained can directly show the oil water distribution in the tested wells. Combined with dynamic and static materials, the remaining oil distribution in the six oilfields can be analyzed, which lays the foundation for adjusting and improving exploitation of oilfield. In this paper, the practical applications in 3 different oilfields are given to show comprehensive effect of the boron injected neutron lifetime logging technology.
出处 《测井技术》 CAS CSCD 2001年第6期432-436,共5页 Well Logging Technology
关键词 注硼中子寿命测井 砂岩油田 动态监测 剩余油分布 油藏类型 boron neutron lifetime logging sandstone dynamic predication remaining oil distribution measure effect
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