酒醅安全度夏 ,“压池”生产是目前最有效的方法 ,但出酒率低一直是困扰“压池”生产的一道难题。合理掌握“压池”时间(4月中旬到5月底) ,确定入池参数 ,入池淀粉20 %~22 % ,入池温度13~15℃ ,入池水分55 %~56% ,入池酸度1.3~1.5 ,做好窖池漫长发酵期间的管理 ,是提高“压池”出酒率的关键。2000年生产实践表明 ,创优质率100 % ,一级率96 % ,红粮出酒率45.38 %。
The technique of pit impaction is the most effective way to assure safe summer-spent of fermented grains presently, however, it also results in lower liquor yield, a problem we have to tackle with. And the following approaches are proved to be feasible: Rational Management of the time for pit impaction(mid-April to late May); Confirmation of the parameters for pit entry, content of amylum of pit entry 20 %~22 %, moisture content 55 %~56 %, temperature at 13~15 ℃ and acidity 1.3~1.5; Good management during fermentation is the key point to increase liquor yield. And the production practice in 2000 indicated that its effectiveness by evidences of 100 % quality rate, 96 % first-grade rate and 45.38 % liquor yield of raw materials.(Tran.by YUE Yang)
Liquor-Making Science & Technology