白兰萨三叶草是一年生豆科牧草 ,引自澳大利亚 ,在兴安盟畜研所进行了引种试验。经 1 998~ 2 0 0 0年的试验观察 ,该三叶草的生长状况良好 ,干草产量 ,种子产量都很高 ,营养价值也很好。适于在我地区生长 。
The experimental report on pasture introduction trials.Balansa clover is annual legume,which was introduced from Australia.The experiment was carried out on plot in Animal Research institute of Xing'an League from 1998-2000.According to the observation,this clover grew well,yield of dry mater and seed were high and it was a legume of high nutritive value.Balabsa clover is suitable to grow in our area,and it is a good species for improving nature grassland and artificial growing.
Inner Mongolia Prataculture