目的 :了解光剥舌患者蛋白质代谢变化的总体特征。方法 :用稳定同位素15N标记的氨基酸作示踪剂 ,测定 30例光剥舌苔患者和 15例正常人总体蛋白更新速度。结果 :光剥舌苔患者总体蛋白质代谢速率加快 ,分解速率大于合成速率 (P <0 .0 1) ,蛋白质代谢处于负平衡。结论 :光剥舌患者蛋白质代谢的变化可能与体内交感神经活动的变化有关。在临床治疗除要提供高能量、富含必需氨基酸、蛋白质的饮食、药物及维生素B6以外 。
Objective: To investigate the general characteristic of the whole-bodyprotein metabolism in the patients with denuded tongue coating. Method: The amino acid marked with stable isotope 15 N was utilized for determining the metabolic velocity of the whole-body protein in 30 patients with denuded tongue coating and 15 normal persons as control grope. Results: The metablic velocity in the patients with denuded tongue coating increased, especially the decomposite velocity ( P <0.01),and was negatively balanced. Conclusion: These changes may have relations to the autonomic nerve system. It is important to provide much energetic, vitamin B 6 and necessary amino acid contained diet in addition to curing original disease and nourishing Shen and resplenishing Yin in clinical therapy.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine