根据实际生产数据及溶出和稀释过程的实际物料平衡 ,探讨了溶出液真实Rp真 的计算方法 ,克服了不能通过取样分析得到溶出液真实Rp真 的困难。通过回归分析得出了平果铝生产条件下溶出液真实Rp真 随溶出进料量和溶出液表观Rp表 变化的数学模型。分析了溶出液表观Rp表 与真实Rp真 差值产生的原因 ,并提出了减小ΔRp和提高溶出液真实Rp真 及氧化铝综合回收率的主要途径在于 :优化闪蒸操作 ,降低闪蒸出口温度 ;提高石灰分解率和活性度 ,在保证溶出性能的前提下 ,尽量减少进入溶出系统的CO2 量和石灰加入量。
Using actual production data and mass equilibrium in digestion and dilution processes, the method of calculating digestion liquor real R p was discussed and the difficulty in obtaining real R p by sampling and analyzing was overcome also. Moreover, under the operation condition of Pingguo Alumina Refinery, math model of digestion liquor real R p depending on digestion feeding rate and apparent R p was regressed with actual production data. Reasons of difference between apparent R p and real R p were analyzed. The ways of lessening the difference and increasing digestion liquor real R p and alumina recovery rate were as follows: making flash tank operation better and lowering temperature of digestion slurry at last flash tank outlet; increasing decomposition rate and activity of lime and decreasing quantities of CO 2 and lime into digestion system as much as possible under assuring proper digestion performances.
The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals