波纹拱壳屋顶是一种新型的大跨轻钢结构。由于其造价低、施工期短 ,在国内已得到大规模的应用。1996年起 ,我国有几十个大跨波纹拱壳屋顶由于大风或大雪而相继发生坍塌事故 ,这类伤亡事故引起了业界的高度重视。笔者从波纹拱壳屋顶的设计理论、成型工艺、施工工艺、材质等几个方面探讨了波纹拱壳屋顶发生坍塌的原因 ,分析了影响波纹拱壳屋顶安全性能的几个主要因素 。
Arch shape corrugated shell roof is a new light steel structure. It is widely used due to its low costs, and short construction period. However, since 1996, a number of this kind of roof has been collapsed when hit by strong wind and heavy snow. These accidents have attracted great attention by the construction industry. In this article, the causes of these accidents, such as the design theory, shape forming technology, construction technology and materials used are explored. Factors impacting the safety of this kind of roof were analyzed, and their improved safety measures to prevent collapse accidents are suggested.
China Safety Science Journal