
人类活动对瑞典中部低地湖泊所造成的威胁之量化分析 被引量:2

Quantification of Anthropogenic Threats to Lakes in a Lowland County of Central Sweden
摘要 该文利用瑞典乌普萨拉县143个汇水区的数据,对人类活动给湖泊生态系统造成的负面影响进行了评估,研究包括:①技术性蚕食,即水坝、堤岸等建筑以及排水系统的影响;②污染,即富营养化、酸化和有毒物质的污染;③外地品种的引入;④物种种群的开发利用。陆地排水对湖泊生态系统造成的损害最严重,其次是有毒物质的污染,在较小程度上是外地品种的引入和富营养化。大多数湖泊遭受多种形式的干扰,造成了错综复杂的相互影响,这样要把现象和本质联系起来就非常困难。今后对湖泊的管理应对湖泊水系的所有干扰进行分析,还要用历史的观点看问题,目的是在分析保持生物多样性和生态系统可持续发展过程中能权衡威胁/损害。 An evaluation of the negative effects caused by anthropogenic influence on lake ecosystems was performed, using data from 143 catchments in Uppsala County, Sweden. The study included /) technical encroachments; i.e. construction of dams, dikes, etc. as well as effects of drainage of land; ii) pollution, i.e. eutrophication, acidification, and contamination by toxic substances; Hi) introduction of nonnative species; and iv) exploitation of species populations. Severe damage was caused mostly by drainage of jand followed by pollution by toxic substances and, to a smaller extent, introduction of nonnative species and eutrophication. Most lakes were subject to several types of disturbances, interacting in a complex pattern, which made it difficult to link the visible effects to the true causes of the disturbance. Future lake management should include analyses of all disturbances to the lake catchments, taking into account the historical perspective, in order to balance the threats/damages, in an analysis of the possibilities for maintaining biodiversity and sustainability in the ecosystems.
出处 《AMBIO-人类环境杂志》 2001年第3期127-134,共8页
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