微波是一种高频电磁波 ,微波多功能治疗仪作为一种新的治疗仪 ,具有操作简便 ,手术时间短 ,术中不出血 ,术后不易感染及治愈率高等优点 ,疗效较冷冻及 CO2 激光好。中医科采用微波治疗 1 38例皮肤病 。
Micro-wave is a kind of electric magnetrc wave of high frequency,as a new therapeutic equipment,micro-wave multiple-function equipment has a series of superiorities,it is easy to operate,it needs short time to finish the operation,there is no blood during the operition.the results of the therapy is better than that of freezing and that of CO 2 laser,it achives better results in the 138 cases treated by traditional chinese medicine.
Xishan Science & Technology