戴望舒是位具有独创艺术风格的诗人 ,他在寂寞、痛苦中探索人生 ,将民族的优秀文化融入自己的诗歌创作中 ,去追求美的真谛 ;诗歌充满浪漫色彩 ,对生活充满挚爱 ;诗歌在民族灾难中与民族存亡共节奏 ;诗歌追求诗的性灵 ,寻求天人合一的艺术美。
Dai Wangshu,a poet with original artistic style,studied the society lonely and painfully,mixing the nation′s excellent culture with his poetic creation and seeking for the essence of beauty.His poems were full of romantic colour and love for life.ln addition,they shared the rhythms with the nation′s existence in the course of the nation′s disasters,seeking for the inspiration of poems and the artistic beauty of the combination of the heaven and the peaple.