
航班收益分析与最佳航班安排 被引量:6

Revenue Analysis of Flight and Optimal Flights Arrangement
摘要 基于航班安排的目的,将航班完全成本划分为航班变动成本与航班固定成本,提出经营时间法、起落架次飞行时间法等航线成本分摊计算方法,改进了传统的利用机型小时成本计算航线成本的方法。对航班贡献与航班利润两个概念进行了比较,推导出航班利润最大与航班贡献最大是一致的,阐明了小时贡献率的概念。根据小时贡献率,建立了一个航线网络贡献最大的模型,并给出了求解方法。 The operating time methods and the segment -flying time methods are offered to calculate the variable cost and fixed cost of flights.These methods are found to be more reasonable than traditional ones by which we arrange the aircraft according to route network for the purpose of getting the network maximum profits .A mathematical model of op timal flights arrangement and its solution based on the concept of contribution are established.
作者 黄小荣
机构地区 厦门航空公司
出处 《中国民航学院学报》 2001年第6期19-22,26,共5页 Journal of Civil Aviation University of China
关键词 航班安排 航班贡献 航班利润 航班完全成本 收益分析 cost contribution flights arrangement optimal method
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