信息融合技术可以综合利用多源信息 ,从而获得对同一事物或目标的更客观、更本质认识。由于遥感是目前为止能够提供全球范围的动态观测数据的唯一手段 ,遥感图像信息融合对于航空、航天、军事侦察、灾害预报等很多军事及民用的领域至关重要。本文给出了面向遥感应用的图像信息融合的原理和过程 ,然后综合分析了不同方法的特点。进而在指出其存在的问题的同时 ,还对未来的发展趋势进行了展望。相信本文的工作 ,将为促进相关领域的研究和发展有一定借鉴作用。
Through integrated usage of multiple-source information, data fusion can get more objective and intrinsic knowledge of certain object or target. As the only means to afford dynamic and global observations, remote-sensing image fusion is very important on many military or civil applications, including aviation,aerospace, spying and disaster forecasting. Firstly, based on the introductions of the principles and process of image fusion on remote sensing, synthetic analysis of different methods is then presented. Shortcomings of current techniques are also given as well as the future trends. It is hoped that the investigation in this paper would benefit the research and development of related fields.
Aeronautical Computing Technique