目的 :研究外用紫金霜抗病毒作用。方法 :采用细胞毒性试验 ,体外直接抗病毒试验观察本品的抗病毒作用。结果 :本品对腺病毒、单疱病毒有抑制细胞病变作用。结论
Objective: To study the antiviral effects of ZHI JIN frost(us.ext).Method: The antiviral effects of this drug were observed by cyto toxic test on Hep-2 cells and direct antiviral test in vitro. Result: This drug has the effects of decreasing the pathological changes in Hep-2 cells infected by gland virus or herpes simplex virus.Conclusion: ZHI JIN frost(us.ext) has antiviral effects.
Journal of Luzhou Medical College