提要 目的:为探讨立体定位适行放射治疗对非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)的疗效及与常规放疗联合应用的规律。方法:120例非小细胞肺癌患者随机分成两组,进行前瞻性研究。58例结合常规放疗前程或后程实施立体定向适形放疗(SRC)为联合治疗组。另外,62例给予单纯常规放疗为对照组,治疗后随防观察。结果:有效率,联合组89.2%对照组54.8%;(P<0.01),统计学处理差异显著。并发症发生率,联合组.10.3%,对照组8.1%,统计学无显著差异(P>0.05)。结论:非小细胞肺癌实施立体定向适形放射治疗可以明显提高近期疗效,而并发症无增加。
Objective: To evaluate the effect of stereotactic conformal radiotherapy (SCRT)for non-small cell lung cancer and the way of stereotactic conformal radiotherapy(SCRT)combined with conventional radiotherapy. Methods: From October 1998 to December 2000.120 patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) were randomized into two groups.Fifty-eight patients received (SCRT) combined with conventional radiotherapy while the other sixty-two patients received radiotherapy alone as control .Results: The overall response (CR+PR) was 89.2% in combined therapy group and 54.8% in the control group (P<0.01), with significant difference. Conclusion: SCRT obviously improves the shor-term therapeutic effectiveness in the patients with non-small cell lung cancer with no complication occurred.
Heilongjiang Medicine and Pharmacy