新经济本质上是建立在知识生产、分配、利用基础上的全球化的经济。其特征是知识要素在整个经济中占有越来越重要的地位 ,知识将渗透到人类一切活动中去 ,是全方位的持续增长的经济。新经济崛起给中国经济既带来了机遇又带来严峻挑战。中国必须大力发展新经济 ,要加大政府的政策扶持和引导。发展信息产业要利用后发优势 ,少走弯路 ,减少风险成本 ,要利用信息技术加快改造传统产业步伐。
New economy is a kind of global economy based on knowledge production, distribution and application. Its character is that knowledge factor dominates in whole economy and penetrates into all human activities. New economy is both an opportunity and a challenge for China's economy. China should work out favorable policies to accelerate the development of new economy. We should make good use of information industry, reduce risk and transform traditional industries with information industry.
Productivity Research