四川盆地气田卤水分布广泛 ,自震旦系至白垩系各层系均有分布 ,然而其浓度及成因类型不尽一致。按其浓度可分高浓卤水、淡卤水和中浓卤水三类 ;成因类型依据氢、氧同位素地质学方法可划分为大气水渗入淋滤型、海源沉积型、海源沉积—大气降水叠加型和海源沉积—岩浆水叠加型四类。该分类明确 ,标志明显 。
Brine is widly distributed in gas fields of Sichuan Basin from Sinian period layer to cretaceous layer, but with different concentration and genesis. The brine there can be grouped by concentration into highly concentrated brine. Fresh brine and medium conventrated brine. fresh brine and mediam-concentrated brine, or by origin into brine leached with precipitate, setimented seawater, setimented seawater mixed with precipitate and setimented seswater mixed with magma. This classification is clear and accurate and of importance.
Journal of Salt Lake Research