分析了海南岛地域文化的空间分布特点及其区域差异、南海岛文化景观的地理分异、人才及农业景观的区域分布等问题 ,指出海南岛地域文化的空间分布与地形条件和气候等地理要素密切相关 ,各种文化景观的分布总体上呈现沿海拔依次成圈层展布的特点。沿海平原地带城镇密布、人口众多、工业发展、交通设施齐备 ,整体文化水平处在最高层次。岛内丘陵、山地地区文化相对落后。另外 。
The topographic conditions of high center and low peripheries of Hainan Island result in vertical and horizontal zonal characteristics of Hainan's climate,plants and soil geographic factors, and influence the development of Hainan culture. During the development of Hainan Island, the northern and northwestern parts of the Island were developed at first; with the increase of Hainan immigrants , the northeastern part was developed then, followed by the souteastern and southwestern plain areas around the Hainan Island; and finally, the central tablelands,and mountainous and hilly areas were developed. The development sequence took the form of the circular distribution characteristics of the present overall Hainan culture along the altitude. Based on the analysis of the spatial distribution characteristics of Hainan regional culture and regional differences, geographical differences of Hainan cultural landscapes, regional distribution of talented people of Hainan and agricultural landscapes, this paper points out that the spatial distribution of Hainan culture is related to its geographical factors such as topography, climate, etc. and the distribution of all kinds of cultural landscapes also appears the circular distribution characteristics along the altitude. In other words, there are more cities and more population, and developed industries and better traffic system in the coastal plain areas around the Island than in the central areas. And the degree of literacy in the coastal plain areas around the Island is the highest in the Hainan Island, and the culture of the center falls behind the whole Island.
Geographical Research
青年教师启动基金课题 (旅游的社会文化影响研究 )前期成果