立足于农村社区扶贫实践的工作经验及一系列相关工具和方法 ,探讨建立参与性农村评估 ( PRA)和交互式地理信息系统 ( interactive GIS)为主体支持的基层社区土地利用规划模式。通过规划中广泛吸收社区农户的意愿 ,发展农户参与土地资源合理利用的意识和有效管理社区土地的能力 ,细化、落实县、乡级土地利用规划的各项指标体系 ,协调县、乡级规划和社区规划间的矛盾与冲突 ,进一步深入落实优化土地资源配置的政策和原则 ,提高土地利用规划的有据性、有效性及可操作性 。
Based on the experiences, works and a series of relative research implement & methods of poverty--supporting in the rural communities, attempted to build the basic planning patterns of rural primary level communities in the supports of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and interactive Geographic Information System (GIS) Discussed the importance and effects of the rural primary level communities' land use planning, fully reflected the needs of local people in the course of planning Developed the farmers' consciousness in taking part in putting land resources to rational use and abilities in effective management Detailed and carried out all sorts of targets in the finished land use planning in the level of county and township Harmonized the contradictory and conflict between the planning of above level and primary community level By these means, carried out the policies and principles of bettering the planning of land resources Raised the reasoning effectiveness and practiveness of the land use plannig, Created the necessary requirement for the sustainable development in the rural communities
Yunnan Geographic Environment Research
云南省自然科学基金项目 ( 98D0 0 1 Q)
the experiences of poverty-supporting in the village
the primary level of community organization
Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA)
interactive GIS
land use planning