本文以墨西哥和我国台湾发展电子产业的历史经验出发 ,说明了在外向型加工区域的发展中 ,当外国投资占有相当比例的时候 ,如果大量外部采购以降低成本 ,则有可能使区域缺乏活力或原有活力逐渐消失 ;如果外国投资对内和对外公平开放 ,并发展本地产业联系 ,逐渐加大在本地进行采购和聘用人才的比重 ,则可以使区域逐渐获得技术转移和经济发展 。
This paper illustrates the different experiences of the development of electronic industry in Mexico and Taiwan. The paper explains the importance of local industrial linkage for technology transfer and economic development. In this context, the paper concludes that creating innovative local clusters of enterprises should be considered in the outward-oriented region by the public policy.
World Regional Studies