对城市发展与环境的关系的思考蕴育了早期的城市生态思想 ,将城市作为生态系统研究标志城市生态学的诞生。 2 0世纪城市生态学经历了从思想萌芽到学科体系形成的重要发展时期 ,从芝加哥学派的人类生态学研究到MAB的城市问题研究到美国的LTER城市生态系统研究 ,都衬托着深刻的城市化与工业化背景。本文结合这种背景追踪了 2 0世纪主要的城市生态研究方向 ,概括其理论成就 。
Thinking about interaction between cities and environments brings about ideas of Urban Ecology, then taking the cities as ecosystems indicates naissance of the Urban Ecology. In 20st century the Urban Ecology comes through the important growing periods from germinating to forming the theoretical system of Urban Ecology. Form the Human Ecology of Chicago School to the studies of MAB Urban Group to the studies of urban ecosystem of LTER networks, all of these embodies in the backgrounds of urbanization and industrialization. The paper combines the backgrounds to purse aspects of study on Urban Ecology in 21st century, summarizes the theoretical contributions of studies and assesses the evolution of Urban Ecology Studies.
World Regional Studies