阿克苏地区位于丝绸之路北道中心地段 ,旅游资源丰富多彩 ,特色性强 ,共有景点 12 6个 ,其中一二级景点 37个 ,人文旅游资源占优势。根据资源的分布和类型特征 ,地缘优势及客源市场现状 ,确立了以丝绸之路北道辉煌灿烂的文物古迹和托木尔峰自然景观旅游资源区为核心 ,突出石窟文化艺术体系 ,围绕干旱区典型的自然风光和丰富多彩的民俗风情 ,提出了十一个重点旅游区的分期开发利用方向。
Located in the central part of Xinjiang and the southern piedmont of the Tianshan Mountains,Aksu Prefecture has an area of 132 000km\+2 including 8 counties and 1 city.The people of 15 nationalities,such as Uygur,Han,Hui,Kirgiz,Mongol,Kazak,Ozbek,Xibe,Manchu,Russian,and Daur,inhabit here.The south Tianshan Mountain is located in the northern part of the prefecture, the elevation of the mountain ridges varies in a range of 3 000~5 000m,and the highest peak,Mount Tomo,is 7 435.3m a.s.l.;the perimontane zone is occupied by the alluvial-pluvial plains and the alluvial plain of Tarim River;and the Taklimakan Desert is located in its southern part.Because of the great disparity in landforms and elevation,there is a great difference in climate,soil,and hydrological conditions in the different regions.Thus,the beautiful ecologieal tourist resources,richly endowed by nature,which include the alpine glaciers,primitive forests,vast grasslands,lakes,Gobi deserts,oases,Tarim River,forests of Popular diversifolia,sand desert,etc.In humane tourist resources,the traces of human activities can be traced back to the New Stone Age and the Mierolithic Age.Aksu Prefcture was a central area of politics,economy,and trade on the Silk Road during Qin,Han,Tang,Song,and Qing dynasties.Along with historical changes,many cultural and magnificent ancient civilization are remained, especially the grottoes,sites of ancient cities and towns,post stations,etc.According to the investigation,there are 126 tourist sites in Aksu Prefecture,among which 7 are in class A and 30 in class B,and most of which are located in Kuqa,Baicheng and Wensu counties and Aksu City.It is suggested to develop the tourist resources in Aksu Prefecture in 11 tourist areas in stages based on the superiority of the geographical location,glorious and magnificent cultural and historical sites along the Silk Road,and the natural scenery.
Arid Land Geography