通过对有关项目研究成果的分析 ,总结了新疆流域水资源分配模拟系统设计的基本原理与方法。其中对模拟模型的建立、模拟系统的结构与各子模块的功能及寻求合理分水方案的方法进行了详细分析与说明。
Traditionally water allocation in a river basin was wholly determined by the balance calculation of water demand and supply from upstream to downstream in Xinjiang. This approach has the great difficulty to solve the conflicts between different tributaries, reaches and sectors. In addition, because the river basin has complicated water system, this approach can only get several water allocation schemes according to the river basin planning. The decisionmaker frequently faces the problem to get the rational water allocation scheme. Therefore the paper build a integrated modeling system to meet such requirement. The modeling system designed includes five components with the strong functions for regulating the conflicts. The Graphic User Interface are designed to facilitate the decision-maker to control key parameters of river basin planning, water diversion projects and water users. The GIS is also embedded in the system to display the results and assist the decision-maker to find the water deficit in right place. At last the rational water allocation scheme can be obtained through the repeated modeling with regulation.
Arid Land Geography
国家自然科学基金项目 (批准号 :79870 0 88)资助