封闭题是我国教育界长期使用的一种题型 ,发挥着不可替代的作用 ,但也有其局限性 ;开放题是一种较新型的题目 ,能很好地培养学生的创造性思维能力 ,吸引学生积极参与解题过程 ,提高学习兴趣 ,可弥补封闭题的不足。本文通过对封闭题与开放题的讨论 。
Closed problem has been a long-term used pattern in educational circles in our country ,and it has been playing an unreplace_able role,yet it has limitations of its own .Open problem is a new type of exercise.It can cultivate the ability of creative thinking,attract the students to participate actively in the process of solving the problem and raise their interest in study .It can also supply the gap of closed pro_blem.The article here expounds the necessity of introducing mathematical open problem into class through discussion.
Journal of Yulin Normal University