

Projections to Rostrolateral Area of Anterior Dorsal Ventricular Ridge in Lizard Gekko gecko
摘要 本文运用HRP顺、逆行追踪技术 ,对蛤蚧 (Gekkogecko)前背侧室嵴(ADVR)嘴外侧区纤维联系进行了研究。结果表明 ,ADVR嘴外侧区核心部的传入纤维来自双侧丘脑园核(Rt )前、中部的腹外侧区 ;ADVR嘴外侧区与尾部在室周带中有广泛分布的环路存在 ; The paper studies the connecting of r ostrolateral area of the Anterior Do rsal Ventricular Ridge(ADVR)in the lizard,Gekko gecko by means of anterograde and retrogra de transport of HRP.The results show that the ventrolateral part of rostral an d midial Rotundus(Rt )project to rostrolateral ADVR bilaterally.The periven-tricular zone of ADVR has a widesprea d connections between its rostrolateral and caudal area .The circuit pathway between the central core of rostrola teral area of the ADVR and pallial thi ckening is the connection hub between the two visual pathways.
出处 《玉林师范学院学报》 2001年第3期95-97,共3页 Journal of Yulin Normal University
关键词 蛤蚧 前背侧室嵴 嘴外侧区 纤维联系 HRP 丘脑园核 视觉投影 爬行类 Gekko gecko Anterior Dorsal Ventricular Ridge Rostrolateral Connections HRP.
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