为了解决井下充填料不足 ,并降低生产成本 ,在井下建立了废石破碎充填系统。井下掘进产生的废石破碎为一定粒度后 ,再依靠水力输送到待充填地点。开创了国内井下废石充填的新工艺 ,在实际生产中取得良好效果。
Because of the lack of filling materials, and to reduce the production cost, a waste rock filling system in the underground was constructed. In this system, the waste rock produced by digging will be crushed according to definite particulate, and then were carried to the spots that need to be filled depend on the hydrodynamic system. This technology is a new invention for the underground filling in our country. It has been obtained obvious effect in practical production.
Non-Ferrous Mining and Metallurgy