[目的 ]探讨测定蒲公英总黄酮含量的方法 .[方法 ]利用比色法 ,以芦丁为对照品 ,分别测定东北蒲公英和碱地蒲公英的总黄酮含量 .[结果 ]东北蒲公英总黄酮含量为 5 3 3 % ,碱地蒲公英总黄酮含量为 4 16% .[结论 ]蒲公英含有丰富的黄酮类物质 ;东北蒲公英具有进一步研究和开发利用的价值 .
OBJECTIVE? To study the method of detecting the content of total flavonoid in Taraxacum Officinale. ?METHODS? the content of total falavone was detected from Taraxacum Officinale by the chromatometry and with the rutin as control sample. ?RESULTS? The Taraxacum Ohwianum contains 5.33% of falavone and the Taraxacum Sinicum contains 4.16% of falavone. ?CONCLUSION? The Taraxacum Officinale contains lots of falavone, and the Taraxacum Ohwianum is worthy to be further studied and be widely used.
Journal of Medical Science Yanbian University