通过研究两种昆虫病原线虫的生物学特性表明 :15 - 2品系比 NC 5 2品系具有较强的繁殖力 ;在等同的温度下 ,NC5 2品系和 15 - 2品系的侵染力差异并不明显 ;而土壤湿度对它们的侵染力有明显的影响 ,在 17%和 2 1%的两个处理中 ,NC 5 2品系的侵染期较长 ,到第 10天侵染力达到最高 ,而 15 - 2品系在第 7天就达最高 ;在砂壤土中 NC 5 2存活时间较长 ;NC 5 2品系具有较强的扩散能力 ,最远可扩散到 2 5 cm处 ,而 15 - 2品系只能扩散到 2 0 cm处。
The biological characteristics of Steinernema glaseri NC 52 strain and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora 15-2 strain were reported in this paper. The results showed that H.bacteriophora 15-2 strain could produce more infective juvenile than S.glaseri NC 52 strain could do. No remarkable difference of infectivity was observed between them at the same temperture. But the moisture of soil affected the infectivity significantly. When the moisture content were 17% and 21%. S. glaseri NC 52 strain had much loger infective time, its infectivity reach the highest on the tenth day, while the infectivity of H.bacteriophora reached its highest on the seventh day. The time of persistence of S.glaseri NC 52 strain was longer in sandy loam,it could disperse vertically and horizontally farthest to 25 cm, while H.bacteriophora 15-2 strain dispersed the vertical and horzontal farthest distance was 20 cm only.
Forestry Science & Technology