目的了解人群高血压的知晓率、治疗率、控制率、相关知识及来源。 方法采用测量血压与问卷调查相结合的方法 ,对上海地区门诊人群进行高血压调查。 结果门诊人群高血压的知晓率、治疗率和控制率为79.0 %、77.3%、17.6 % ,有或无高血压相关知识、高血压的规律性服药率、控制率分别为 41.7%、12 .3%和 10 .0 %、0 .0 %。 结论血压的控制率较低 ;中青年的健康状况存在着很大的隐患 ;掌握高血压相关知识的程度与血压控制相关。
Objective An investigation was conducted in the outpatients of Shanghai area to find the frequencies of hypertension awareness, antihypertensive drug treatment and blood pressure (BP) control, as well as the sources these patients learning of hypertension and the degree of master. Methods Measurement of blood pressure and answer to the questionnaire were used. Results The frequencies of awareness, antihypertensive drug treatment and BP control in outpatients were 79.0%, 77.3% and 17.6%. About 41.7% patients aware of hypertension took antihypertensive medicine regularly, 12.3% of them achieved BP control. Whereas 10% patients ignorant of hypertension took medicine regularly, and none had BP control. Conclusion The percentage of BP control in Shanghai population is low. A potential risk in health status exists in the young and middle-aged population. The percent of BP control is related to the degree and awareness of hypertension in the population.
Acta Universitatis Medicinalis Secondae Shanghai