用 Mitscherlich、Logistic、Gompertz和 Korf4个理论生长方程分别对引种到捷克 Kostelec地区的西黄松林木个体胸高断面积生长过程进行了拟合 ,由最佳生长方程分别得出了胸高断面连年生长量、平均生长量和相对生长率随时间变化的函数 ,并对生长过程进行了分析。结果表明 :Korf方程具有最高的拟合精度 ,能很好地描述西黄松胸高断面积生长过程 ;西黄松胸高断面积连年生长量和平均生长量最大值分别出现在第 7a和第 1 5 a(胸高年龄 ) ;1~ 2 6a的平均相对生长率为 0 .2 4 3;速生期 ( 3~ 1 1 a)内胸高断面积平均生长量为 0 .0 0 1 474m2。
Four theoretical growth functions, the Mitscherlich, Logistic, Gompertz and Korf functions were applied to the basal area growth data of individual Western yellow pine ( Pinus ponderosa ) trees to model the basal area growth. The current increment, mean increment and growth intensity of basal area as functions of age were given by derivation from the best fit growth function. The growth process of basal area was divided into three periods by the two inflexion points of the current increment curve of basal area. The results indicated that the Korf function fitted the basal area growth best, followed by the Gompertz, Logistic and Mitscherlich functions. The maximum values of the current increment and the mean increment appeared at age 7 years and age 15 years respectively. The average growth intensity of basal area was 0.243 . During the rapid growth period (3 to 11 years) the average increment of basal area per year was 0.001 474 m 2.
Journal of Northwest Forestry University
The research project ( MSM414 10 0 0 0 9) subsidized by the Ministry of Environment of the Czech RepublC
Western yellow pine ( Pinus ponderosa Dougl.)
basal area
growth analysis
Gompertz function
Korf function
Logistic function
Mitscherlich function